i #netzwerk Save the Date! IVS-Mitgliederversammlung am 21. März 2025
PlaceVirtual Meeting, GoToMeeting details to follow
DateThursday, December 10th, 2020
Time04.30 – 6pm
CostsParticipation is free of charge. Guests are welcome

Dear Schaffhausen International community

Before this unusual year 2020 ends, we would like to meet once more in a virtual format. The meeting will be held over GoToMeeting. You can connect directly over the internet (with video, or audio only) or also by phone. Further details will follow before the meeting, after you have registered.


Welcome & Intro
Oliver Kirchner, Chairperson of the IVS International Forum, welcome and meeting logistics.

Remote Leadership – challenges and opportunities in a work-from-home environment
Dr. Felix Lagness, scientist and lecturer for business and organizational psychology and Co-Founder of HRDigital, joins us as guest speaker to present findings about effective remote working models and how they impact leadership and management in organizations.

Update Economic Promotion Schaffhausen
Christoph Schärrer, Head of Economic Promotion Schaffhausen, shares first-hand information and background about politics and business news.

Occupational Health and Covid-19 – in the home office and on company premises

Dr. Norbert Freitag, Institute of Health AG, Stetten (Schaffhausen), shares lessons learned and best practices related to the impact of Covid-19 on the working environment.

Rentention management in Covid-19 times – new ideas and ways forward

Adrian Stettler, Executive Vice President International Affairs at Economic Promotion,  is moderating a round-table discussion to learn from the international community in Schaffhausen how the Economic Promotion can help (more).